Reed Smith Client Alerts

In our client alert dated 14 May 2019 we outlined the German government’s planned changes to the German Real Estate Transfer Tax Act (Grunderwerbsteuergesetz – GrEStG)  that will affect share transactions involving property owning companies. As a next step in the legislative process, on 31 July 2019 the German Government published the draft act as government draft (Regierungsentwurf).

The draft is based on the former draft of the German Ministry of Finance published on 8 May 2019.

The government draft does not introduce material changes to the original ministerial draft. In summary, once enacted the new law would lead to the following changes:

  • Reduction of the “equalization threshold” from 95% to 90%  – real estate transfer tax (RETT) will, in future, be triggered if at least 90 % of partnership interests in a property holding partnership, or shares in a property holding corporate entity, are transferred within the applicable cooling period.
  • Extension of “change of ownership rule” to corporate property entities – RETT will be triggered if 90 % or more of the shares in a property holding corporate entity (e.g., a German GmbH or Luxembourg S.à r.l.) are transferred to new shareholders within the applicable cooling period.
  • Extension of the cooling period from 5 to 10 years for share deals involving either property holding partnerships or corporate entities.