Our second breakfast instalment in our Carbon Market Masterclass Series will feature insights from our Regulatory, Environmental and Shipping teams, focusing on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).

发言人:: Nick Austin Brett Hillis Simone Goligorsky Julie A. Vaughan

活动类型: 研讨会

Reed Smith's London office, 20 Primrose St., London EC2A 2RS
7 February 2024, 8:30 AM GMT
7 February 2024, 11:00 AM GMT

Engage in compelling discussions with professionals as we navigate through various topics, including the extension of the EU ETS to shipping, the EU ETS 2, and the French Registry. We hope you can join us on  Wednesday, 7th February, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


  • 08:30 a.m. GMT - Registration and breakfast
  • 09:00 a.m. GMT - Discussion
  • 10:00 a.m. GMT - Questions
  • 10:15 a.m. GMT - Networking