Although live streaming is by no means a new phenomenon, the recent explosion of interest in the format will undoubtedly give rise to a renewed interest in legal and clearance issues. We put together a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers to compile a simple, user-friendly guide to law and practice relating to live delivery of content over the Internet.

Although, as with any internet-based media, there is heavy conjecture and punditry concerning the date and time of the first live stream (see this example on vimeo), most commentators agree that at least by 1995, technology which enabled live streaming was alive and well. Early pioneers of live streaming included the Rolling Stones, Bill Clinton and YouTube. Ten years or so later, Justin Kan, founder of (which we now know as Twitch), put a webcam in his hat and streamed what was happening in his life, 24/7. That was 13 years ago. Live streaming is by no means a new phenomenon.

Please download the PDF below to access Reed Smith’s guide to live streaming.

Client Alert 2020-182