As companies focus on tackling pressing compliance issues such as third party due diligence, anti-money laundering controls and ensuring transparent reporting, they can use the guiding principles from key anti-corruption laws to shape successful compliance policies. We have outlined the key points and guidance set out by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act and French, German and Greek criminal codes within our booklet. Broken down by anticorruption law, we hope that our attached booklet will prove a succinct and helpful resource.
Throughout the last few months of 2021, we distributed alerts tackling key anti-corruption compliance issues and questions that concern our clients across all industries. Our six part series, From the FCPA to the UK Bribery Act – Your key questions about global anticorruption laws answered, covered the most asked questions in relation to the FCPA, UK Bribery Act, and French, German and Greek criminal codes. The series thematically explored the reach of these anticorruption laws, the importance of third party due diligence and the extent of a company’s liability for actions carried out by third parties and employees. We also sought to shed light on the anti-corruption considerations companies should make when conducting business abroad and when interacting with public officials. Following client requests, we have packaged up all of our content into one comprehensive booklet. We hope that you find it useful and that you won’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries on the topic.
To view the full report, please download the PDF from the link below.