From discovery on discovery to privilege logs, from O365 to ephemeral chat apps, and from spoliation burdens to preservation of backups, there are a number of "hot button" issues that tend to arise repeatedly in E-discovery, and where there are strongly opposing views.

Intervenants: David R. Cohen Therese Craparo Anthony J. Diana

Type d’évènement: Formation juridique continue, Webinar

Date/heure de début
4 December 2019, 12:00 PM ET
Date/heure de fin
4 December 2019, 1:00 PM ET

Join us on E-Discovery Day as we debate some of the most significant issues in E-discovery today, in a fast-paced and lively format. With never a dull moment, this session will be informative and entertaining, but most of all it will make you think!