Join our panel discussion at LISW21. Our lawyers at Reed Smith will be joined by some leading voices in the shipping industry as we discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing the sector in a changing world.

Intervenants: Sally-Ann Underhill Nick Austin

Type d’évènement: Webinar

Date/heure de début
13 September 2021, 12:00 PM BST
Date/heure de fin
13 September 2021, 1:30 PM BST

We will be joined by:

  • Birgitte Barfoed, Attorney-at-Law, Senior Vessel Portfolio Manager, A.P. Moeller - Maersk A/S
  • Alexander Goulandris, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, essDOCS
  • Dr Katrina Kemp, Autonomy Technical Specialist, Maritime Future Technologies