Lianjun Li will present at the Maritime Silk Road International Maritime Dispute Prevention and Resolution Seminar, hosted by the Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG) on the afternoon of August 4, 2023.

Intervenants: Lianjun Li

Type d’évènement: Conférence

22/F, No. 2 Sea World, Xiamen
Date/heure de début
4 August 2023, 2:30 PM CST
Date/heure de fin
4 August 2023, 6:30 PM CST

Lianjun’s presentation will cover:

  • The latest development of mutual assistance in asset preservation practices between Mainland China and Hong Kong
  • A brief introduction to HKMAG’s institutional arbitration management procedures
  • Selection and comparison of the seat of arbitration under GENCON 2022

Lianjun is also the chairman and a committee member of the HKMAG China Committee.