2024 has proven to be a wild year of new regulations, trends, and related challenges in the employment space. Join us for an in-person seminar to catch up on where we have come in 2024 and where we are heading in 2025.

Intervenants: Christopher S. Bouriat James A. Holt Mariah H. McGrogan Veronica A. Miclot Joshua R. Sallmen Brianna L. Schmid

Type d’évènement: Conférence

Reed Smith's Pittsburgh office, 225 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15222
Date/heure de début
25 September 2024, 2:00 PM EDT
Date/heure de fin
25 September 2024, 6:00 PM EDT
  • Uncovering the truth: best practices for employment investigations. We will delve into the legal and ethical issues surrounding often-sensitive investigations into workplace practices and behavior.
  • Hot topics in labor and employment law. Our panel will review the trends of 2024 and forecast what lies ahead, including dealing with political activity in the workplace, the end of Chevron, the Federal Trade Commission’s ban on non-competes and an update on labor laws.


  • 2:00 p.m. ET: Registration
  • 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m ET: Programming
  • 4:00 p.m. ET: Networking reception

Who should attend?

  • Labor & employment counsel
  • In-house counsel
  • Human resources professionals
  • Any other managers handling employment, labor or benefits matters