Reed Smith Client Alerts

Key takeaways

  • Singapore Parliament passes Corporate Service Providers Bill and Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill
  • The new legislation strengthens Singapore’s regulatory framework to combat financial crime and enhances transparency in the corporate sector
  • More stringent registration and compliance requirements imposed on corporate service providers, complemented by an enhanced disclosure regime on nominee directors and shareholders

Auteurs: Johnny Lim Manoj Purush Ping Ting Tan Michael Kwan (Resource Law LLC), Darren Sie (Resource Law LLC), Si Ting Chua (Resource Law LLC)


The Corporate Service Providers Bill (the CSP Bill) and the Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill (the CLLPMA Bill) were passed by the Singapore Parliament on 2 July 2024. The legislation seeks to combat financial crime by strengthening Singapore’s anti-money laundering regime. Specifically, the CSP Bill will enhance Singapore’s regulatory regime for corporate service providers (CSPs), while the CLLPMA Bill complements the CSP Bill by enhancing the transparency of beneficial ownership of companies and limited liability partnerships.