This webinar will explore the consequences that COVID-19 has had on business agreements within Europe, and some potential strategies to respond to them.

Intervenants: Daniel Kadar Gautam Bhattacharyya Sakil A. Suleman

Type d’évènement: Webinar

Date/heure de début
25 March 2020, 12:00 PM GMT
Date/heure de fin
25 March 2020, 1:00 PM GMT

The agenda will include:

  • How may COVID-19 be legally interpreted? What are the differences between local laws? 
    • Qualification as force majeure event
    • Qualification as exceptional circumstance or material adverse effect
  • What consequences on existing contracts?
    • Non-performance, termination, adjustment of contracts?
    • Who can claim what in COVID-19 scenarios?
    • How much 'redundancy' can be expected in COVID-19 scenarios from contractual partners?
    • Is COVID-19 an excuse for any non-service under contractual agreements? Liability v. COVID-19?
  • Possible strategies: is the ‘wait and see’ option still available? 
    • Suggested tools for damage prevention
    • The impact of different insolvency regimes
    • Lessons learned: suggestions for future contracts

Please log in 15 minutes prior to the start of the program.