José Astigarraga will present at the XIV Conference on International Arbitration held in Quito, Ecuador on June 7 and 8, exploring the Code of Conduct for International Arbitrators being developed by ICSID and UNCITRAL.

Intervenants: José Astigarraga

Type d’évènement: Conférence

Date/heure de début
7 June 2023, 8:00 AM EDT
Date/heure de fin
8 June 2023, 12:30 PM EDT

José will review the latest proposed changes to be considered by the Commission at its July meeting in Vienna.

The event is organized by the Arbitration and Mediation Center of Amcham (CAM-AMCHAM) and the Ecuadorian Institute of Arbitration, with the institutional support of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission (CIAC) and Canal Arbitral – Latam.