LONDON – Jonathan Andrews, a trainee solicitor sitting in Reed Smith’s Entertainment and Media Industry Group, has been recognised in King’s College London’s Distinguished Alumni Awards 2019.

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Jonathan—who is the youngest alumni to be recognised—will be presented with the ‘King’s in Service Award’ at a ceremony in June for his commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The King’s Distinguished Alumni Awards recognise students and alumni who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement, civic leadership or ‘service to King’s and society’.

The judging panel took into account a number of Jonathan’s roles and achievements when selecting him for the award. In addition to advising the government on increasing disability employment, he is also an active member of Reed Smith’s disability affinity group LEADRS (Looking for Excellence and Advancement of Disabled Attorneys), a member of The Law Society’s Equality Board and a trustee of Ambitious about Autism.

Jonathan said: “I’m honoured to be recognised by my old university in such a powerful way, and particularly so soon after graduating. I’m particularly happy to see that the message that companies hiring disabled people for their talents is cutting through and gaining recognition – and hopefully this will lead to more change being made. I look forward to catching up with old friends, and meeting new faces, at the ceremony in June.”