As we move through the final quarter of 2021, COVID-19, geopolitical strife, newly evolving technologies and racial inequity are still having a significant impact on our changing world – and on the disputes landscape. However, corporations and individuals are showing an incredible ability to tap into their reserve of resilience and prepare for the unexpected.

Intervenants: David Ashmore Claude Brown Timothy Cooke James P. Duffy IV Clément Fouchard Michael B. Galibois Mark S. Goldstein Sophie Goossens Jason W. Gordon Leigh T. Hansson Peter Hardy Peter J. Kennedy James A. Mercadante Christine M. Morgan J. Andrew Moss Gregor Pryor Carolyn H. Rosenberg Andreas Splittgerber Amy Yin

Type d’évènement: Webinar

Date/heure de début
12 October 2021
Date/heure de fin
14 October 2021

Our three-day virtual conference will explore how people and companies have responded, and what challenges still lay ahead. Companies have gone from reopening to re-evaluating – as the Delta variant, coupled with vaccine unavailability and hesitancy, forces companies to delay return-to-work plans. Innovative ways of doing business unfortunately are opening the door to bad actors who insinuate themselves and wreak havoc after penetrating weaknesses in cybersecurity protections. Plus, evolving dispute resolution methods are giving rise to new considerations for companies, especially when litigating and arbitrating across borders.

Join Reed Smith disputes lawyers and guests, including Alex Kazan and Lucy Eve of Eurasia Group, Jean Lee of the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, Katie Pavlovsky from Deloitte and Klaus Reichert, QC from Brick Court Chambers as they discuss key issues impacting corporations and the global disputes landscape.

To accommodate our global audience, sessions will be offered during daytime hours for attendees abiding by British Summer Time (BST) and U.S. time zones. Sessions will be available on-demand within 24 hours of initial air date.